
The Van Council of Victoria is a non-profit organization, which promotes the sport of Vanning in Victoria. Our objective is to increase the number of Vans by assisting members to build, register and insure their vehicles. 

To achieve this the VCV is committed to promoting and developing Vanning as a major national hobby. 

Click HERE to JOIN

The VCV welcomes people and families with an interest in the sport of Vanning.

Our interests include   


VCV membership includes

VCV Membership is only $40 per year! Membership Form
(membership is considered Easter to Easter)

Club Permit Scheme

VCV membership includes the opportunity to join the Club Permit scheme. 

Club Permit scheme information is available from our VCV Permit scrutineer - vcvclubreg@outlook.com

Post completed form with payment to: VCV Post Office Box 173 Corio, Vic 3214 


Get in contact with the VCV

Please don't hesitate to email the VCV committee: vcvcommittee@outlook.com.au    

A little history of the VCV

The VCV (originally called the Australian Street Van Association) was formed in the early 70's when vans and vanning were all the rage.

It started when a group of people with panel van’s got together and had a run. Gradually they started to customise their vans to suit their needs and personalities. As it became more popular more clubs were formed around the state and an organising body was needed to communicate between the clubs.






Copyright Vanning Australia 2000
with this page contact the Vanmaster